Antonia Pantoja High School
Course Syllabus – Quarter
Instructor: Nicholas Krebill
Phone: 773.427.0870
E-mail: nkrebill(at)
Office Hours: M-F 2:40-3:30p.m. and by appointment.
Focus Population: 9-12 grade with strong interest in visual arts, especially photography.
Description: The students in the
course will learn the basics of film and digital photography, visual design,
and art history.
Materials: writing utensil, notebook or loose-leaf paper, three-ring binder or folder, creative spirit.
Objectives: At the end of the course, students will be able to:
25A. Understand the sensory elements, organizational principles and expressive qualities of the arts.
26A. Understand processes, traditional tools and
modern technologies used in the arts.
26B. Apply skills and knowledge necessary to
create and perform in one or more of the arts.
27A. Analyze how the arts function in history, society and everyday life.
Summative: Group Projects, Short Tests, Final Exam.
Formative: Homework, Class Work, Essays, Quizzes.
Grading Scale:
A = 90-100% |
B = 80-89% |
C = 70-79% |
D = 60-69% |
F = 0-59% |
Strategies: Students will learn through modeling, discussion, cooperative learning activities, note taking, and the use of graphic organizers.
Skills: Knowledge of art in a historical context, as well as the different processes involved in creating art. Course involves critical thinking, decision making, research, analysis, and communication.
Course Evaluation:
In-School Assignments |
25% |
Quizzes |
15% |
Homework |
5% |
Short Tests |
20% |
Projects |
10% |
Final Exam |
25% |